The Power of Genuine Connection
Lessons from nature
I’m one of those people who can sit and watch the wind. There’s a part of nature I absolutely love! And this field of wildflowers that day totally had me stunned! My husband took this gorgeous picture, and goodness … just takes my breath away!! The field I mean … and well, I suppose the husband too 😆. While I was staring at the magnificence of these flowers, it occurred to me – entrepreneurs are like wildflowers.
Entrepreneurs are like wildflowers
How are we like wildflowers, you ask? Entrepreneurs have to weather all kinds of quickly changing climates in the business world. And we have to persevere and stay resilient to keep blooming season after season. That’s why staying connected with other business owners is so so important!
Most business owners struggle with this
If you’re like me, and like many other business owners, you can easily find yourself hunkered down, laser focused on just the things right in front of you. You know?? Giving clients your best work, keeping your team thriving, keeping up with the kids’ everything, what is that smell? 😄 Things like that! Then we find ourselves isolated and not feeding our entrepreneurial souls with the insights and experiences of fellow business owners.
Your unique and awesome self
In one sense, there’s so much competition out there from other businesses. But in another truer sense, we all bring our unique and awesome selves to the table. Just like the wildflowers create a breathtaking spectacle when they bloom together, we too can beautifully impact those we serve, and the world, if we stay connected and supporting each other – maybe even take their breath away!
One way to overcome fear
There’s a reason I wasn’t in the middle of that field, taking a stock photo that might rival those on Unsplash or Social Squares (awesome tools for gorgeous stock photos btw!) Umm, field mice and snakes anyone??! Yeah, I can’t even 😬 The wildflowers don’t seem to care though! They’re blooming right on and showing off what they’ve got! If we stay connected as entrepreneurs, we too can become empowered to fight off the hairy scary stuff.
My encouragement to you
I truly hope this encourages you to genuinely connect or reconnect with like-minded business owners, listen to their experiences, and share your journey. The world needs who you were created to be. Keep blooming!